Κυριακή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


Tython TOR new
Astrographical information
Orbital position
Grid coordinates

Physical information
Primary terrain
  • Historic: Mountains, forests, plains, deserts[5]
Surface water
Significant; oceans, rivers, streams[5]
Points of interest
Native flora
Native fauna
Societal information
Native species
Immigrated species
Tythan,[3] Tythonian[11]
Major cities

A terrestrial world in the Tython system of the Deep Core, Tython is the fifth planet in orbit around the star Tythos, orbiting Tythos at a distance of less than 160 million kilometers, and the planet was incredibly rich with the Force.
Tython possessed a breathable atmosphere and a temperate climate, and it featured a number of continents separated by oceans and seas. The planet is geographically varied, as Tython's continents are marked by plains, hills, mountains, and even canyons, and for much of the planet's history, Tython is a particularly verdant world. Tython is orbited by two moons: Ashla and Bogan, satellites that inspired the Je'daii Order's philosophy of balance between the light and dark sides of the Force, and the Je'daii maintained sentry drones in orbits thirty thousand kilometers above Tython's surface.
Tython's environment is remarkably sensitive to the Force; powerful disturbances in the Force, such the presence of an individual particularly strong in either the light or dark side of the Force, could cause immense Force storms and groundquakes that would ravage Tython's surface.

Tython was home to a large number of species of creatures whose shapes and forms were as varied as the planet's surface, such as screech lizards and acid spiders. Tython's hook hawks were birds that possessed hooked beaks and sharp talons, and hunted their prey by hypnotizing them with song and then attacking. Silik lizards were rare but deadly silicon-based creatures that absorbed energy from sand itself. Six-limbed and the size of a Human adult, silik lizards featured a large number of spikes on their bodies and were known to charge opponents on their hind legs
The Rift was home to many strange and deadly creatures, many of which were unnamed and unknown. The saarl was a massive, purple-colored worm creature with a tooth-filled maw that opened like a three-petaled flower. Flame tygahs were eight-limbed reptilian creatures twice the size of a Human that were native to Tython's Strafe Plains; a flame tygah's claws and tail dripped fire and its mouth blazed with heat. Blood spites were bat-like creatures that fed on warm blood and inhabited the Red Desert, though their existence was widely considered to be only a rumor by the Je'daii. Ak trees were common in Tython's forests during the time of the Je'daii.

Tython's Moon Channel was home to the tentacled gelfish as well as enormous sea serpents. The hoofed quadrupeds known as Guids were native to the region around Kaleth, the Je'daii Temple of Knowledge, and while they were not ordinarily aggressive, guids could attack their opponents with their powerful jaws and massive forelegs.
Like the guid, the mammalian uxibeasts were also found in small groups on other worlds despite the fact that they were believed to have originated on Tython. Uxibeasts were ill-tempered herbivores that traveled in herds and were deceptively aggressive.
The four-legged horranth were reptilian predators that hunted in large family groups and had enormous birth rates—their population was typically only constrained by a limited food supply.

Tens of thousands of years before 36,453 BBY, a species of enormous size constructed the Old City on the continent of Talss on Tython. The Gree, one of the earliest species to achieve interstellar travel, visited Tython early in galactic history, though the Old City was long abandoned even by that time. The Gree inhabited the Old City for a time, and there were rumors that the Gree constructed a hypergate—a technology used by the Gree to travel instantaneously between two points in space—in the depths of the Old City. The Gree eventually left Tython, and the next species to visit the planet was the reptilian Kwa from Dathomir.
The Kwa linked Tython with their other worlds with an Infinity Gate, a technology similar to a hypergate, but thousands of years before the rise of the Je'daii Order, the Kwa's encounter with the Rakata species led them to destroy all remaining Infinity Gates in order to prevent the Rakata from overrunning the galaxy. The few remaining Kwa on Tython eventually died out after destroying their Infinity Gate.

Tho Yor
In the year 36,453 BBY, the eight great pyramid ships known as the Tho Yor arrived at Tython, delivering Force-sensitive pilgrims from over a dozen worlds to the planet and causing an intense Force storm. The eight smaller ships met with the ninth and largest Tho Yor above a great pillar of stone that reached high into the sky on Tython, and then each of the eight departed in a different direction to a different location across Tython. The Tho Yor remained at their final destinations after depositing their passengers, and the pilgrims soon developed into a cohesive culture of Tythans, realizing that the purpose of their gathering was for them to study the Force and harness its powers. Inspired by Tython's twin moons, the bright Ashla and dark Bogan, the Tythans came to understand the dual nature of the Force's light and dark sides, and they also realized that Tython itself would react to imbalance in the Force with powerful quakes and Force storms.

With this knowledge, the Tythans formed the Je'daii Order, naming themselves after the word for "mystic center" in the language of the Talid species's Order of Dai Bendu.
The Je'daii built nine great temples at the sites of the nine Tho Yor, some of which remained floating in the sky while others had landed in the oceans or on mountainsides.
Padawan Kesh, the Je'daii Academy, had been constructed at one of the Tho Yor by the year 36,019 BBY, when Nordia Gral was serving as the Temple's first Temple Master.
By that time, the Je'daii had completed temples at the other eight Tho Yor, and they also developed the tradition of a Great Journey, a two-year odyssey across Tython's surface to each of the nine temples that would be undertaken by Padawans once they became Je'daii Journeyers. For the first thousand years of the Je'daii's time on Tython, the planet was frequently wracked by intense Force storms, as the Je'daii had not yet learned how to restore balance to the planet and calm the storms through the Force.

The Je'daii also constructed cities across Tython's surface, though as the pilgrims' second millennium on Tython came to an end, it became evident that those who were not Force-sensitive could not survive on the planet. The destruction of the city of Aurum inspired a second migration, where those Tythans who were not Je'daii departed Tython in starships and settled the other worlds of the nine-planet Tython system. Force-sensitives born on the other planets, the Settled Worlds, were brought to Tython for training as Je'daii, and the Tython system's way of life continued for over ten thousand years. However, resentment of the Je'daii among the Settled Worlds eventually led to conflict.

In 25,805 BBY, the Despot Queen Hadiya united the crime barons of her homeworld Shikaakwa and conquered the rest of the Settled Worlds. She then turned her attention to Tython, and her army invaded the planet in a final battle—a battle that saw the death of millions of Hadiya's troops and thousands of Je'daii. Hadiya herself was slain by the Je'daii Daegen Lok at the gates of Kaleth, bringing the Despot War to an end.

Peace was shattered, however, circa 25,783 BBY, when ----Download the Game and Find out---

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