Πέμπτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2015



Astrographical information
Orbital position
Grid coordinates
Distance from Core
Rotation period

 Orbital period
381 local days[2]
Physical information
12,765 km[4]
Type I (Breathable)
Primary terrain
  • Immense jungles and forests[1]
  • Seas, lakes, and rivers[2]
Surface water
Native flora
Native fauna
Kashyyyk, also known as Wookiee Planet C, Edean, G5-623, and Wookiee World, is a Mid Rim planet. It was the lush, wroshyr tree-filled home world of the Wookiees.

The lower levels of Kashyyyk
With no axial tilt and a perfectly circular orbit, Kashyyyk experienced one continuous season. It is composed of a molten metallic core, rocky mantle, and a silicate rock crust. The planet has four continents, making up 40% of the surface, which were mostly covered in lush, wroshyr tree-filled forests, which are several kilometers high. The planet have a small amount of desert region in the rain-shadow of its small mountain ranges as well as large plains including the Woolwarricca region. A tropical ocean belt contained archipelagos and long coral reefs. In addition, a few sandy beaches could be found along the shores of its oceans. The Kashyyyk coastlines were lined with a brownish-white sand and thick grasses. Kashyyyk's highest peak was Korrokrrayyo Mountain.

Much of the planet could be compared to a giant swamp—filled with wildlife and covered with wet soil and large amounts of water. The prevalent ecology could be politely described as a "layered deathtrap", as the dangers presented by local wildlife increased as one descended toward the forest floor. According to Wookiee culture, this vertical environment consisted of seven levels. The bulk of Wookiee civilization was located on the uppermost seventh level, and even the bravest Wookiees rarely ventured below the fourth level. Unlike most, Chewbacca was known to travel below this marking point for most Wookiees. The ground level was known as the Shadowlands and, sometimes, the "notherworld".

As previously stated, the wroshyr trees were the dominant flora. Wroshyr trees may have actually been one large connected organism, as when limbs of two tree limbs ran into each other, they would fuse together. The Wookiees inferred great symbolism in this.
the species of wroshyr tree was in fact alien to the planet and was planted there by the Infinite Empire.

The forests of Kashyyyk were filled with a tremendous variety of plant life, many with some form of consciousness. The Wookiees learned to communicate with these plants and often came to an understanding about their use. One example of this was with the Orga plants, who allowed the Wookiees to harvest their older roots to use in Life Day ceremonies.
Most other flora was parasitic to the wroshyr trees, grew in dirt pockets in crevices of the trees, or were carnivorous. Chyntuck, however, was a species of onion-like vegetable used by the Wookiees as food.

Besides the primary sentient Wookiees, Kashyyyk was home to various species of banthas, a small population of terentateks, and a host of other species. Usually, the deeper into the jungle one went, the more dangerous the animals became. For instance, the tenacious and intelligent Kashyyykian giant weaver—a giant red-pigmented spiderlike creature—could track prey for over a kilometer and coordinate with other weavers to organize an ambush. Additionally, many of the species that inhabited the deeper parts of the jungle were capable of bio-phosphorescence, since the deeper layers of the forest were in perpetual darkness.

The Wookies had War with the Trandoshian's around 25.810 BBY. but it soon ended when they realize what they have in Common... The Trandoshian Scorekeeping was now count wookies score... 
in an unkown time around 25.800 BBY the Infinite Empire took Controll of Kashyyyk.
But for how long?

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